Find data that relates to your subject - Fast.
Discover relevant personally identifiable information (PII) for viewing, redacting, and disclosure. Optimised for Data Subject Access Requests & more.
Sarima - An intuitive, lightweight application built for the data owner.
Search files FAST & OFTEN with ease
Sarima uses a unique logic to enable you to search data stores 10x faster than with native methods and conduct regular searches for different identifiers that completes in seconds with no false positives.
View, Copy & Share identified files
Keep your data Secure
Sarima is completely isolated to your environment. Sarima is currently an on premise application with no connection to an external entity.
Subject Access Requests & Disclosure.
Unstructured data (often referred to as ‘dark data’) is doubling every year. This puts significant pressure on data owners to identify and disclose at scale as is required by Article 15 of GDPR. We exist to reduce and simplify the time to result, and empower businesses to meet their obligations set by the requirements of this legislation.
- Rate and Scope of Data Subject Access Requests is increasing.
- Businesses are spending too much time searching their data.
- Non-Compliance causes reputational and financial damage.
- Want to learn more ? Check out this WHITEPAPER.

Sarima - What We Do.
Sarima uses unique logic and indexing to effectively scan your data, ensuring it is always relevant and up to date.
- Download Sarima and point it at your data to be scanned.
- Build an Index of your data, and keep it up to date with ease.
- Search for your subjects again and again.
Clear ROI, Capable and Affordable.
Get the full Sarima experience for a year. Renewable at the same price after the first year.
Frequently Asked Questions.
Quickly identify PII for redaction or disclosure for Subject Access Requests (SAR), other litigation matters or to simply optimise your business processes.
Please note these specifications are recommended minimum, and may vary depending on your use case.
– 2 CPU Cores
– 100GB of free disk space.
When you first initiate Sarima you’ll have to create an index. Simply click the create Index button and select a folder where you intend to perform ‘on the fly’ searches. That’s it. Creating an initial index may take a few seconds to a few hours depending on the size of data to be indexed. Find out more.
Once your index is ready you’ll see it on the home page. Click the search button next to it and you’ll be redirected to a search page. Type your query into the text field and hit enter to see the results. You can view the matched files in the file explorer or open them directly in the default app for viewing, copying, redaction or sharing where appropriate. Find out more.
Your index is a ‘state in time’ index of your data source, if this data is being continually modified by users on the day to day, you will need to rebuild your indexes frequently. Rebuilding an index takes a fraction of the time it takes to build an initial index as the majority of data is already cached in Sarima. Find out more.
Click the ‘Rebuild Index’ button and you’ll be directed to a report where you can see all files that have been modified, deleted or added since you last updated the index. You can then click the rebuild index button to update the index if necessary. Find out more.
Search Unstructured Data - Fast.
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